A Day of Women and Bicycles

To celebrate International Women’s Day in 2016, Team Beryl invites you to…A Day of Women and Bicycles

Saturday 5th March, 11am-4pm

at The Story Museum (upstairs from the workshop)

Part of Oxford International Women’s Festival

Book tickets online (£9.36 incl. Eventbrite booking fee or £8.00 from the workshop)

“Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.” ~ Susan B. Anthony, 1896

Well said Susan! Bikes have been a force of change for women in the past and they continue to be so. Women’s cycling is on the up again. More women are braving the traffic to cycle to work, finding the courage to head out on club rides and we are even seeing increasing numbers of women working in the traditionally male bike industry. Though our numbers in all of these activities are well below those of men and the challenges women experience breaking into cycling remain very real, this is cause for celebration. So, let’s come together to congratulate and support one another and to take the women’s cycling revolution further!

Join us on Saturday 5th March when we bring together an astonishing powerhouse of women doing cool things in the world of bikes to talk, celebrate and inspire.

Guest speakers

Emily Chappell – extreme adventure cyclist, award-winning blogger, author of new book „What goes around“ on life as a cycle courier and all round cycling legend will talk about her latest exploits.

Dr. Sheila Hanlon – expert on the social and political history of women’s cycling will talk about the history of women’s cycle fashion and bike design.

Panel discussions

Women in competitive cycling

The very thought of it scares the living daylights out of most of us but some of the UK’s best athletes in the last century have been female cyclists (Beryl Burton, anyone?). With such a record it’s a wonder we don’t have more confidence! And indeed we are seeing a renaissance of women’s cycle racing with recent Olympic success and the increasing profile of female racers like Victoria Pendalton. Our panel of women who have felt the fear and done it anyway, talk about their experiences and efforts to open up racing to more women.


Women in the bike industry

The cycle industry has long been a man’s world. Much of it involves skills which women have little opportunity to develop and are generally thought of as inferior at: mechanics skills, engineering, problem-solving, physical strength and sporting prowess. We will hear from women who have found a place in the cycle industry, about the challenges, rewards and why they do it.


  • Caren Hartley – England’s first female (and award-winning) frame builder behind Hartley Cycles;
  • Jenni Gwiazdowski – founder of DIY workshop London Bike Kitchen;
  • Liz Colebrook – bespoke bike builder and fitter behind Beaumont Bicycle;
  • Eleanor Smith – mechanic, and founder of Beryl’s Night and Broken Spoke.

The event is open to all (male feminists are really welcome!) and wheelchair accessible. Tickets are £8.00 (£9.36 online) to help cover the costs of the event, booking is advised. There will be a delicious home-made lunch, cakes, coffee and all manner of teas (fuel for the revolution 😉 )
